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How do you notify the author of a document when a response has been composed?

1) In the Main Document, Response and Response to Response forms, create a field called 'From', defaulting to

2) In the Response Form, create a hidden field called 'ParentFrom', defaulting (with inheriting on) to:

3) In the Reponse to Response, create a field called 'ParentFrom' defaulting to (with inheriting on):

4) In Response and Response to Response forms, add another hidden computed for display field called 'Announce' with this formula:
List := @Trim(@Replace(ParentFrom;From;""));
@If(@Elements(List) > 0; @Success;@Return(0));
SendList := @Prompt([OKCANCELLIST]; "Mail Notify?"; "Send mail notification about your reply to ";"";List);
@If(@Elements(SendList) > 0; @Success;@Return(0));
@MailSend(SendList; ""; ""; "Ref:" + OriginalSubject; ""; "My reply: "; [IncludeDoclink])

Applies to Notes Versions: 3 4 4.5 4.6 5
Last Modified: January 6, 1998
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